Rabu, 29 Agustus 2018

Hey guys!!! i figured i would shoot a video showing you guys how to make a cheap chicken coop.. I created this video with the youtube video editor (http://www.youtube.com/editor). Today i'm taking you on an updated tour of my diy chicken coop build. i talk about the construction, rainwater harvesting and watering system, clean out door....

DIY PVC Chicken Feeder - Preparing for shtf

Diy pvc chicken feeder - preparing for shtf

YouTube" src="https://i.ytimg.com/vi/uOd8GiNQYUk/maxresdefault.jpg" title="Chicken tunnel! - YouTube" width="75%">

Diy automatic locking chicken coop door - youtube

My Chicken Coop - YouTube

My chicken coop - youtube

I created this video with the youtube video editor (http://www.youtube.com/editor). Watch more how to raise farm animals videos: http://www.howcast.com/videos/346178-how-to-build-a-chicken-coop a chicken coop provides shelter for your chicke.... #:how to build a chicken coop youtube >>> woodworking plans ideas tips how to discount prices. diy wood furniture how to build a chicken coop youtube storage shed plans see shed plans free low prices how to build a chicken coop youtube for sales..

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